Ethical Hacking
1) Use software tools/commands to perform footprinting /information gathering and generate analysis report.
> Footprinting
2) Use software tools/commands to perform network scanning and sniffing and generate analysis report.
> Network scanning tools
> IDS tool
> Sniffing tool and generate reports
3) Use software tools/commands to perform malware attacks and other cyber attacks and generate analysis report.
> Worms | Viruses | Trojans
> Commands
4) Implementation of keyloggers, viruses and trojans
> Keylogger
5) Use of software tools/commands for web servers and web applications hacking and generate analysis report.
> Hacking a website by Remote File Inclusion
> Disguise as Google Bot to view hidden content of a website
> Kaspersky - It is "malicious software," refers to a type of computer program designed to infect a legitimate user's computer and inflict harm on it in multiple ways.
6) Use of software tools/commands for performing sql injection and session hijacking and generate analysis report.
> SQL injection for website hacking
7) Use of software tools/commands to encrypt and decrypt password, implement encryption and decryption using Ceaser Cipher.
> Caesar Cipher
> Implement encryption and decryption using Caesar Cipher
8) Using Metasploit and metasploitable for penetration testing.
> Metasploit